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Monday/Sunday Devotional

A monthly devotional called Monday-Sunday aims to uplift and motivate you to fulfill the purpose that God has for your life.

Snippet from Jo Ann Parsons book, "How to Avoid the Snooze Button Syndrome."


Embracing God’s Purpose and Timing in Every Season of Life

Recognize the Urgency:

Understand that God’s timing is not to be taken lightly. When He calls, He calls for a reason, and it’s always for our good. There is no time to waste when it comes to His plans for your life.

Be Honest About Your Priorities:

Are you putting off God’s call because of fear, comfort, or distractions? Take a moment to reflect on what’s keeping you from responding to Him. 

Start with Small Steps: Waking up spiritually doesn’t have to mean massive, overwhelming changes all at once. Start by dedicating specific time each day to prayer, scripture, or listening to what God is trying to say to you. Each step brings you closer to fully waking up to His purpose. 

Surround Yourself with Accountability:

Just like we need help waking up sometimes, we need spiritual accountability. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you to stay alert and keep moving forward in your walk with Christ. 

Embrace God’s Grace: If you’ve hit the snooze button in the past, don’t stay stuck in guilt or regret. God’s grace is sufficient. He’s still calling, still waiting for you to wake up, and it’s never too late to answer His call. 

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